sábado, 9 de noviembre de 2013

Our neightbourhood money


The purpose of this report is to think how is going to be used the money our neightbourhood has. I personally believe that we have to improve our squares and campings for families.

The squares

Our squares are nice and well cared. However, I personally believe that if we improve them our neightbourhood would be better. For example, we can add games for kids, new park benches due to the fact that the ones which actually are, are in disrepair.

Campings for families

Campings already have branches, tables and spits but in my opinion it would be a good idea to have more trees and plants and also a lake with animals, such as fishes, ducks, and aquatic plants.


I suggest spending the money in trees and plants because they give us oxigyn, so while making our neightbourhood nicer, we will have a better lifestyle.

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