sábado, 6 de abril de 2013


         Quirquincho is an animal originary from the north of Argentina, but it’s also found trough Latin America till the U.S.A. The tiniest quirquincho measured fifteen centimeters (contemplating their tail) and the longest measured a meter, without contemplating their tail. It is known for their bony armor that allows hiding. It has big ears and nasal tube with small bony plates, hands with large claws on all four fingers. Its body is yellowish gray. Quirquincho release the female have a litter of pups large, as 12 offspring in some cases.
         The quirquincho is used in different ways by humans. For example, in some parts of America is used to cure some diseases; for this, people grind their shells to make powder that pregnant women have to drink to have vitamins in their body. Their armor is also used to make musical instruments like charangos. When people kill them to make this instruments or poisons they sell their meat because is edible, or vice-versa. Some people say that it’s like chicken or pig meat.
         This tiny beautiful animal regrettably is endangered species, because people do not care about the use they give to it. But, humans don´t think about the animal, they only care for their pocket money as it is a very expensive animal. It’s important to know that hunting is only allowed to people who use it for their survival, it means, only for domestic uses.
         In Salta the Ministry of Environment asked people to become aware of what is happening. The Minister in a statement said: "Our responsibility is to conserve all wildlife; they are a critical resource for preserving ecosystems of Salta. Collaborate with this task, do not consume quirquincho".
         So, let’s help the wildlife and no more dinners with quirquincho’s meat!


1 comentario:

  1. Jaja nice ending!
    Para 2 is missing (what they eat)
    Haven't seen present perfect tense!
    Got a B.
